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The signing procedure

  1. Open the mail you receive from "" and read the content carefully.

  2. Click on the link to get started with the document.
    • A link is secured and can only be used once.
    • If the error message "Your URL has expired." appears: click on the button "Request a new email".

  3. Read the document carefully and scroll to the end.

  4. Agree with the terms by placing a tick in the box and click "Start signing".
  5. Select the signing method "Manual" and press the "Next" button.
    (optional, if multiple methods available)
  6. Type the legal notice exactly as it is displayed and press the "Next" button.
    (optional, if requested)
  7. Place a signature with the computer mouse and press "Next".
    • If you make a mistake, you can start again with the "Retry" button.
  8. The digital signature will be added and you will receive an automatic confirmation by e-mail.
  9. An automatic confirmation by e-mail follows when all parties have signed.